Sunday, October 2, 2011

Prophets and Apostles Speak Today

We just finished another wonderful General Conference.

Every six months, the Church holds a General Conference, where the prophet and apostles give counsel, direction and warnings pertinent to our lives. One theme of this conference was being aware of and avoiding moral relativism, or the idea that there isn't really a right and wrong. Throughout the world, morals that were once largely accepted as right and wrong are now being set aside as people feel that they should do whatever they want.

Conference archives are here: 
The video is up now, the text will be up later this week.

Some talks that I thought were particularly interesting for friends not of our faith are these:
1. President Monson, prophet and president of the Church, speaks about moral relativism in the Sunday Morning Session

2. Apostle Dallin H. Oaks discussed a number of scriptures about Jesus Christ in the Bible and how the Book of Mormon is a second witness that clarifies the many interpretations of the Bible.

3. Elder Tad R. Callister discussed the Book of Mormon and how we can know of its truthfulness

4. Elder L. Whitney Clayton talked about the phenomenal growth of the Church and how it fulfills prophecy in the Old Testament (King Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the stone cut out of the mountain without hands) and other places. 

The last one, the growth of the church, something I have been thinking a lot about. I can remember when the Church reached 10 million members when I was in high school. Less than 15 years later, it's now over 14 million. That's a 50% increase.

I love General Conference. I always feel the spirit powerfully and feel greater peace, hope and direction. 

The Church of Jesus Christ Upon the Earth

Many people I've talked to are often confused about why we are so anxious to share our beliefs with others, and what makes us different from other churches.  Hopefully I can clarify a little here:

We believe that there are many good people and good churches in the world that are not our own. We believe they can have the spirit and that they are coming to know God through their sincere efforts. And we invite them to bring all the good and truth and allow us to add to it.

Here is why. When Christ was on the earth, he organized his church. He called 12 apostles (Matthew 10) and gave them power to act in his name. We call this priesthood authority. Following his resurrection and ascension to Heaven, the apostles led the Church, traveling to the saints in surrounding areas to teach and lead them. One by one the apostles were killed and eventually the priesthood authority was lost from the earth. Then came the dark ages, and rather than the one church Christ established, many churches arose.  While many tried to do good things, they lacked the priesthood authority from Jesus Christ.

This is why there had to be a restoration of that priesthood authority. God is a god of order and truth, and He wants His children to be organized under his priesthood authority.  God wants to speak to us and guide us just as He did in biblical times, but it had to be through someone who was given that authority to speak for God.  Thus the restoration of Christ's church through Joseph Smith.

As Christ's church upon the earth, this is why we are so proactive in inviting all to take part. The blessings are available to all, and we do our best to make it available to all people.